The hopeful illustrator...
Aw - so cute, Bee! Beautifully executed, as usual!:)
Cute and simple. I like how his ears match the shape of the balloon. :)
Sweet and to the point! Very cute
Aaaw.. Absolutely adorable!! :)Great illo
Very cute, and I love your banner!
i love it!
How sweet !! very adorable ..
Bravo! :) I love it. LOL
sweet illustration
Cute, cute, cute! I think he's floating away by his ears as much as the balloon!
this is amazing! i absolutely love it. the simplicity, the composition, red balloon, everything about it!
Really awesome illustration. Love the paper you used to draw it on. Made it even more unique.
Oh I love it! So sweet!
Simple and lovely! Beautiful!
I just love the way I clicked through and immediately smiled when the page loaded. Thank you for the gift of a smile today...
Lovely, simple and tender!I like how you use tinted paper and just a little bit of color, with white highlights. It's a great illo!
So cute! Lovely drawing
simply beautiful..
Awww, the wee mouse returns... with a red balloon! So sweet!
Beautiful mouse design, and funny sit.
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Aw - so cute, Bee! Beautifully executed, as usual!
Cute and simple. I like how his ears match the shape of the balloon. :)
Sweet and to the point! Very cute
Aaaw.. Absolutely adorable!! :)
Great illo
Very cute, and I love your banner!
i love it!
How sweet !! very adorable ..
Bravo! :) I love it. LOL
sweet illustration
Cute, cute, cute! I think he's floating away by his ears as much as the balloon!
this is amazing! i absolutely love it. the simplicity, the composition, red balloon, everything about it!
Really awesome illustration. Love the paper you used to draw it on. Made it even more unique.
Oh I love it! So sweet!
Simple and lovely!
I just love the way I clicked through and immediately smiled when the page loaded. Thank you for the gift of a smile today...
Lovely, simple and tender!
I like how you use tinted paper and just a little bit of color, with white highlights. It's a great illo!
So cute! Lovely drawing
simply beautiful..
Awww, the wee mouse returns... with a red balloon! So sweet!
Beautiful mouse design, and funny sit.
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